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Have Additional Questions?
What is the TNHF connection to Maria Parham Healthcare Foundation?
Maria Parham Healthcare Foundation’s name was changed to Triangle North Healthcare Foundation in November, 2011 after the merge of Maria Parham Medical Center with Duke Lifepoint. The Foundation transitioned from a fundraising department of the hospital to a grant making organization providing support for programs that improve health in the region.
Where is the Triangle North Healthcare Foundation located now?
Triangle North Healthcare Foundation is located in downtown Henderson in Garnett Street Station, 208 N. Garnett Street, Suite A.
How can I apply for a grant from the Foundation?
If you are part of a non-profit, governmental, or educational organization in Vance, Warren, Franklin, or Granville counties of North Carolina and have a program or project that will have a positive impact on health and wellness in your community, you may submit a Letter of Interest to Triangle North Healthcare Foundation through our online grant portal.
What are the requirements for a grant application?
The grant application process and requirements are explained in detail on this website. On the main page, click on the Grant Making Policies drop-down box under the Grant Seekers tab.
Does the Foundation provide medical care or treatment?
No. The Foundation does not have the facilities or the staff to provide medical care.
Can the Foundation help with emergency medical costs?
No. The Foundation does not provide funding for individual or organizational emergency situations.
Are grants available for multi-year projects?
Multi-year grants will not be awarded this year, but they may be considered in the future.
What is the maximum grant amount that my organization can apply for?
No minimum or maximum grant amounts have been set at this time. Grant awards will depend upon the funds that are available for grants, which will be determined annually by the Board of Directors.
(252) 430-8532