Call Us: +1.2524308532
Our Mission:
To encourage, support, and invest in quality organizations and programming that measurably improve health in the Triangle North Region.
Our Vision:
To live in a healthy community.
Guiding Principles:
The Foundation will serve as a catalyst in identifying, promoting, and supporting opportunities that will measurably impact health and wellness of the region.
The Foundation will seek and foster opportunities for partnerships and collaborations among and between other funding sources, non-profit organizations in the Region, and grant seekers.
Grant applications that are innovative and proactive in their approach to improving health in the region will be given priority.
In awarding grants, the Foundation will consider the grant seeking organization’s mission, vision, and history as well as the potential impact and sustainability of the program on the Region.
Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, Inc. will give priority to grant applications that will have a positive impact and improved outcomes in the areas of:
Eligibility Requirements:
Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, Inc. will consider grant applications according to a periodic schedule, which are submitted in accordance with the application instructions and deadlines from nonprofit (501(c)(3)) organizations, governmental organizations, and schools in the Triangle North Region, which includes Vance, Warren, Granville, and Franklin counties. Priority will be given to grant applications from the Tier One counties in the region, which are currently Vance and Warren.
In addition to the requirements noted above, the follow criteria will be considered in evaluating grant applications:
Other Considerations:
The Board of Directors for Triangle North Healthcare Foundation will determine the amount of funding that is available for grant awards on an annual basis. Multi-year awards will not be available at this time.
Triangle North Healthcare Foundation does not support:
Funding Priorities
Strategic Focus – The Foundation’s priority will be projects that are evidence-based or new and innovative that will make long-lasting and beneficial changes in the health and quality of life of the people in the Triangle North Region. The Foundation will be a proactive grant maker in pursuit of this strategic focus.
Sustainability – As a catalyst for the development of initiatives with long-term viability and impact, the Foundation will consider the sustainability of projects and programs. The Foundation will consider funding for ongoing operations and programs. Construction or renovation applications will also be considered with priority given to programs and operations.
Collaboration – The Foundation places priority on collaboration between organizations in matters of common concern to maximize effectiveness and impact of a program.
Program Evaluation- Programs that include measurable goals with strategies that will contribute to healthy outcomes will be essential. The Foundation will also look for programs that have good evaluation systems in place for monitoring success.
The availability of funds and the scope of the proposed projects will determine the number and amount of grants awarded each year.
2016 - 2025